10 Practical at home Activities for Kids

10 Practical at home activities for kids #athomeactivities

We have seen recommended “at home” activities for kids all over the place. The problem is sometimes they get really complex. 

I am not going to read through 346 at home activities.

We also really don’t have time to get 10 different color kid socks made out of silk, three buckets of paint from home depot, and find a vintage nintendo system to make a sock game…..but thanks for the tip!


Here are our 10 at home practical activities for kids
1. Frozen Cars

Young kids love this. It does take about a day of prep though to freeze enough toys in layers. 

at home activities for kids

To do it: Take a milk or juice carton. Cut the top. Then have your child pick a small toy or car and drop it. Cover it with water and freeze it. Continue the process until the carton is full with frozen toys/cars! 

When it’s ready, cut the carton with scissors. Put the large block of ice into a big accessible container and give them each a container of warm water.

Provide syringes, cups, spray bottles and eye droppers to melt the ice.

Explain and ask them what causes the ice to melt. The use of the provided tools also helps their cognitive and motor skills. Truly an awesome activity.

2. The talk

This is something I routinely do with my kids, and they actually enjoy it. Every now and then when we are sitting at home I will have my version of the “safety talk” with them. 

It’s important to ingrain safety into them. 

Sit them down and go through basic questions with them to make sure they know their basic information like:

  • Full names
  • Address
  • Age and date of birth
  • Your names
  • Their schools 

Then discuss important topics relevant to their age like: 

  • Bullies
  • Their privacy and bodies
  • Helping others and respect
  • Strangers 

Alot of the information is information they have heard before but it gives you insight into what they are retaining and how much they are understanding of it. 

We will practice hands on safety techniques like:

  • Calling 911
  • Self defense 
  • Acting out a fire at home 

 You get so many benefits from this. For one, it is an activity at home. Two, they enjoy it, and three it is vital information for them to know and understand! 


3. Board Games

at home activities for kids  #athome #athomeactivities

Board games are essential for your family in our opinion. The myriad of benefits they provide are beneficial in so many different ways.  

Some include:

  • Family bonding 
  • Improving motor skills
  • Improving problem solving abilities. 

Board games have also been show to help with kid’s concentration levels and help them understand and follow rules. (BPSMedicine

They also help kids understand the concepts of losing and winning, and how to accept a loss graciously and try harder next go around.

4. Hide and Seek 

 Sometimes the best at home activities are the simplest. Hide N seek is  great for bonding and encouraging young kids to think outside the box. To hide well, they have to get creative on finding a  “good place”. To find you or their siblings they have to think and use their detective skills.

5. Bubbles Dance Party 

Ok, ok, admittingly my wife is not too fond of this. You know…sometimes the bubbles get the floor a little wet. But hey! What’s a little water on the floor?


Get your speaker, tv, phone etc and put on some tunes.

Let them choose if they have some favorite songs and as they dance you can play DJ. If you have a star projector even better. Close the blinds/shades…put that start projector on and play some fun music!  

Then start blowing some bubbles! They will love jumping, dancing, and popping the bubbles as they come. 

6. Read books

Now many will see this and think it is an obvious one…but is it? 

Looking at literacy statistics  only 47% of children birth to five years old are read to everyday.  (Ferst Readers).

That is completely unacceptable! Point blank, no sugar coating!

Reading to your children is one of the most simplest and most valuable things you can do for them everyday. If you are not reading to your children..start now! It is not too late! 

The benefits are endless. From bonding time, to helping their vocabulary, communication skills and memory. Read to them! The best time is usually during their bed time to settle them down, but on days you are home…grab a book and read it with them.

7. Pirate treasure hunt

You are going to have a hard time finding a kid who doesn’t like this one. It does involve maybe spending a few dollars. 

Go to a discount/supply store or pharmacy, and find a couple of small toys. Maybe a dozen or so. If it is a nice day outside, head out to the backyard. If it’s raining, or you don’t have access to a backyard do it inside! 

Hide the dozen or so toys about the house or backyard. Then write out clues and read it to them. Play some pirate music and describe the first treasure they are looking for. As they get close to it you can play a “hot or cold game”. 

I mean what kid doesn’t like hunting for new toys (even if they cost $1) ?

8. Painting and drawing

at home activities for kids

Invest in some painting easels or blank painting canvasses and paint. Put them in some mocks or oversized t-shirts and let them have at it. This one never gets old, and most kids really enjoy bringing out their inner artist.


9. Video Games or Tablets

We are VERY BIG on having our kids spend as little time as possible on tablets and video games. 90% of the time we are finding something to do with the kids outside,  whether it be a museum, a restaurant, bowling, visiting a nearby city….


What is that magic word we like to use around here? ah yes…


Video Games can be RESERVED for maybe once or twice a week. Maybe for a rainy day. Maybe only on Sundays. Whatever way you want to play it, it is a great tool for at home days when you run out of activities and believe it not, video games actually do have some really good developmental benefits.

Dr. Carol Dweck of Stanford University noted in her research and studies, that video games help develop a “Growth Mindset” in kids. That is that it strengthens their belief that their ability to improve and learn is not fixed. That with effort, they can accomplish what they want, improve and learn. (Video Gaming and Growth Mindset). 

Several other studies have supported the notion that video games help kids cognitively and emotionally. They also offer a great bonding experience when played as a family. 

10. Take your kids OUT

at home activities for kids This one is more of a tip then an actual activity. Take your kids out. 

No, we don’t mean the backyard.

We mean OUT. 

Plan outings with your children. Museums, art galleries, a nearby city, a restaurant, the zoo, an aquarium, expose your kids to different activities and practices. This not only expands their mental horizon, but it helps on days they are at home. Why?


Kids get restless. They get bored.

It is okay for a kid to be bored here and there, that is when they use their imagination but keeping your kids home weekend after weekend will make being home dull and boring.

If you take your kids out regularly, they will not be as restless when they are home. They will likely like the chance to lounge around at home, be in their environment and you won’t feel as bad letting them watch an hour…or 10 of T.V.  😉 

We hope these 10 at home practical activities for kids helped!

And don’t forget…if your kids are 5 and under, being home is a great time to also let them rest with a midday nap which is super important. 

Read why in in our KIDS NEED NAPS blog post. 

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