6 ways to stay fit as a parent

how to stay fit as a parent

Listen, here is THE TRUTH.

Achieving your fitness goals and staying fit as a parent is an EXHAUSTING AND DIFFICULT TASK. 

We are going to show you five awesome ways to stay fit as a busy and working parent.

No, 10 minutes between changing diapers is not enough like other articles would have you believe. We cut it straight here, you will have to put in effort and make some small sacrifices if you want to not only be healthy BUT LOOK GOOD and be sexy…too sexy …too sexy for Milan, New York and Japan. 

We have been there. We are there! If there is one thing we got down in this world of Parenting is balancing parenting and fitness!

Here are our 5 true and tried tips for staying fit as a parent. 

 1. Buy equipment 

There is time to fit in a workout. No matter how busy you are. There  always is. The problem is getting to a gym, or even getting outside sometimes!

If you are serious about improving your sense of wellness, your physique and staying fit as a parent, invest in some home equipment that fits into your fitness goals and budget.

For instance, we bought a rack, barbell and a load of plates and depend on it when it gets hard to get to the gym. This allows us great flexibility to get that workout in. Maybe early in the morning, maybe during their nap, maybe once they go to bed at night. If you are limited on space, even a pullup bar, a floormat and a kettlebell can do wonders. 

 2. Sacrifice a little tv/phone time or a little sleep. 

 The internet will tell you to just make sure you fit in 10 to 20 minutes 2x per week. The truth is, if you want to see a real difference in your physique 10 to 20 minutes 2x a week WILL NOT CUT IT.

Even the most basic guidelines for the average US adult recommends to try and get in 300 minutes of exercise a week. 

We want to help you here. We are not going to lie to you. You have to put in the work. We are here to help you and be honest with you. You have to find the time and chances are that if you look at your day, there is time. For example, there might be at least an hour you can sacrifice from tv, your phone, napping, sleeping and get that workout in!! Find that time and do it! 

Do it no matter how uncomfortable or painful it might be!

3. Be Realistic 

 Being realistic with your fitness goals as a parent is key. Maybe you may not be able to make it to the gym, or fit in a workout at home 6 to 7x a week and THAT IS OK.

You may not be able to have a shredded physique and keep sane on your parenthood journey and THAT IS OK.

The point is BALANCE. For example, find at least 3-4 days you can get in solid workouts. Think about your physique and health goals, and how they align and balance with your parenthood journey. Maybe you don’t have to look like a Fitness Magazine cover model. Maybe all you have to do is lose 10 to 20lbs and gain some stamina during your runs to stay fit as a parent. 

Personal Example: 

I did a physique competition a few years back. It was one of the hardest things I have done in my life. I had aspirations to do it again, but with two kids it is not realistic. The time that would be sacrificed from them was not worth it. Instead I chose to stay strong, stay fit as a parent to show a good example to my kids and keep up with Bodybuilding as a serious hobby. That is my balance, my perspective of being “realistic”. 

4. Include your kids.

Go for long walks with them. If they are older, go for bike rides. For babies, take the stroller out. If you  workout at home, include them in your workouts. I sometimes let my kids hang out around me (safely) when I workout at home. They find it enjoyable and I am teaching them that health and physical fitness is important and a priority. 

5. Follow a flexible dieting approach 

There are many methods to control or lose weight. These methods are sometimes presented as magic bullets, but they are not. They are person dependent. For example, intermittent fasting might not be for you. Or you might hate low carb. The best approach to keep to a diet is flexible dieting.

Flexible dieting is not putting restriction on WHAT you can eat, but rather the AMOUNT.

Like pizza? Enjoy a slice instead of 5. Like a donut? Have 1 instead of 3! Spaghetti? Have a cup! 

Calorie reduction, at the end of the day, is what really drives fat loss. 

We all love to eat with our families and kids, simply counting your calories vs a low carb diet will allow you eat whatever you want as long as it fits within your alloted calories for the day.

6. Count your calories 

Counting your calories is a great method because many times parents are on the go. Not having to worry about only eating something “low carb” … or bringing a magic weight loss shake, or not being able to eat out with your family on sundays, takes a lot of stress out of your day, weight loss goals, and gives you ample flexibility. 

Be aware, counting your calories does not mean eat all junk as long as your calories allow it. Eating ONLY highly processed foods with little nutritional value consistently,  will hinder your health long term. Balance! Some fun food, mostly good food. 

For a detailed explanation on how to follow a “calorie counting” diet check out our article: The Best Fat Loss Diet for Parents. 

We hope you enjoyed these 5 tips on how to stay fit as a parent. When applied they can really do wonders for your fitness goals as a parent.

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