how do I start a fitness journey

What does it mean to start a fitness journey? 

What does fitness mean? 

That concept and line of “how do I start my fitness journey?” is a loaded and very general question. 

But we think the TRUE end result everyone seeks from starting a fitness journey is simple:

                                                                      to look and feel better. 

However, the variables are different for everyone because WE are different from one another. Our bodies, goals and capabilities are all different. So when people ask how they should start their fitness journey many things have to be taken into consideration to answer the question:

  • The person’s goals
  • The person’s capabilities 
  • Their time constraints 
  • Their realistic expectations 
  • Their health

That is why we will answer this question by presenting three different elements to it. 

First, we will go over questions you need to ask yourself and answer to determine exactly WHAT KIND of fitness journey you are looking to embark on. 

Second, we will go over methods and tips depending on the goal you identified, to help you execute and adhere to your fitness journey. 

Lastly, we will share some fitness journey stories  and motivation, and how we helped these people apply these variables to change their physiques and better their health!

Let’s get to it!

Questions you need to ask and answer

Before starting your fitness journey these are questions you have to ask yourself and answer. A fitness journey for one person can mean a completely different thing for someone else. 

1. What is your why?

Why do you want to start a fitness journey? Really think about this.

We have had clients who just want to be aesthetically pleasing (look good) at the beach. We had one dad of three who truly just wanted to “be healthier” for his kids. He didn’t care much about looking the part, although it came with the work he put in. 

how to start a fitness journey

So what is your why?

Is it health? Is it looks? Do you just want to lose some fat? Do you want to gain some muscle? Do you just want to increase your endurance? 

Identifying your why will help you make a nutritional and training program that SUITS YOU INDIVIDUALLY. 

2. What type of training/workout environment do I need to be successful in my fitness journey?

Now that you’ve identified your why and what you want to accomplish on your fitness journey, what environment do you need to accomplish it?

  • Do you just need to run outdoors?
  • Do you just need basic home equipment? 
  • Do you need a membership to a full commercial gym?
  • Do you just need a couple of yoga books and time to do it at home?

John, a dad and one of your clients needed a full gym. He was going after muscle gain and an aesthetically pleasing physique. To do that CORRECTLY, you need a real gym with basic equipment. 

Pete, our father of two who just wanted to “feel healthy” for his kids needed minimal equipment.

He wasn’t after a completele body transformation, just some weight loss and better mobility and health markers. You don’t need a full commercial gym to accomplish that. With his minimal at home equipment, sound nutritional program and the outdoors he was able to accomplish that. 

This is why it’s important to decide what equipment/training environment you need to adhere to your fitness journey and crush it. Instead of paying $1,678,984 for a personal trainer, all you might need is the outdoors and pair of dumbbells for $20 

3. What type of diet do you need to accompany your training program?

So now you decided:

Your Goal

Your Why

The enviroment you need

The equipment you need

The next thing is what kind of nutritional program are you going to follow?

Here is our advice:

whatever it is…do not start cutting your calories by 1,000, going low carb, drinking detox shakes, going keto, eating bunnies, whatever!!

Be wary of all these fad diets. 

Realistically they all aim to do one thing: reduce the amount of food you eat. 

But you can do that by eating whatever you want! How?

In our best fat loss diet  article we explained in detail why believe a calorie counting diet, focusing on mostly nutritionally dense foods, is truly the best way to go about following a diet to lose fat. 

But maybe you are not looking to lose fat, and maybe you need to eat more because you want to gain some muscle. 

Maybe you just need to change your diet to improve your health. 

Whatever it is, your fitness journey must include a sound nutritional program to accompany it. 

You can find great information right here from our best fat loss diet as linked above to our other great informational articles on nutrition: 

Carbohydrates Explained

Why eating healthy can still make you fat

Why you’re not losing weight in a calorie deficit

And as always, if you need any help on coming up with a solid nutritional plan, reach out to us! 

4. What are your time constraints? 

Be realistic. 

Don’t say you are going to start going to the gym 6x a week when you know you can’t commit that amount of time consistently. 

Don’t think you need 2 hours in the gym and you can only give 40 minutes a day. 

You would be surprised what 40 minutes a day can do for you!

Look at your life and your schedule and come up with times and days you know you can really get a workout in. 

5. What are some possible obstacles I might have to overcome to continue on my fitness journey? 

Everyone starts off a fitness journey with great enthusiasm, believing they will charge full steam ahead with no interruptions or obstacles. 

The truth is, it never turns out that way.

You will encounter obstacles, you will have things set you back, but how you respond to them is what will separate you from others who falter and give on their quest for fitness. 

Understand and accept you won’t be perfect. 

Look at days you feel are the worst days to work out and plan for them to be rest days. Think about future events coming up that might require you to go off course and plan accordingly. 

Tips for your Fitness Journey

We wrote a completely separate article all focused on tips and advice for new gym beginners.

These tips are realistic with the new gym goer in mind, we recommend reading our new gym goer tips to get some tips for your fitness journey! 

Real World Examples (Fitness Journey Stories)

Here we will share two examples of how two different people implemented two completely different nutrition programs and training styles/environments to start their fitness journey and accomplish their fitness goals. 

We at Parenting and Dumbbells worked with these two busy parents to help them get in better physical shape. 

Our first story is John. 

John is a father of three.

Although an awesome father, like all of us parents, he was beginning to get overwhelmed balancing three kids and a professional career. He really had barely any time to workout. When we looked over his schedule we realized he wasn’t making an excuse, his opportunity to get a workout was extremely limited. 

We took his physique goals, time constraints, nutrition preferences, possible stressors in his life that might get him off track and came up with a sound training/nutrition plan based around HIM AS AN INDIVIDUAL.

These were the results over just a couple of months. 

We do want to add that John was AN EXTREMELY HARD WORKER and we can tell already had some muscle underneath any fat he had. These results aren’t typical for everyone but with his work ethic and our attention to detail, he made amazing progress!

how to start a fitness journey

Our second story is Crystal. Also a mother of three. 

Crystal, unlike John, actually had the time to fit in a workout but found it hard to build the discipline to get that workout in after feeling exhausted with work and the kids. 

We had to help Crystal take a different approach to her fitness journey. Along with taking all the other factors we took with John, we had to find ways to make sure she stuck to her routine. 

And this is why we differ: we stay with you. We don’t give you a plan and go away. Although you have to put in the work, we are by your side everyday with any last minute problems or concerns to make sure you stay on track. 

Here were Crystal’s results!

how to start a fitness journey

If you would like to work with us on your fitness journey, reach out to us at for details and let’s work together!

These examples are to illustrate how two different people needed two different sets of tools to start their fitness journey and how everyone is different. 

No one can give you a “workout program” or “diet” because it has to be tailored to YOU specifically. Your likes, dislikes, body type, goals, lifestyle, time constraints, everything has to be taken into account. 

In conclusion, the two most important things when starting your fitness journey are: a plan and consistency. A plan will layout the roadmap, and consistency over the long run, will make sure you reach your fitness goals.

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