Should children be masked at schools? Our take

should kids wear masks in school

The information in this post is current as of October 2021 and will be updated. It is an opinion and not meant to diminish the effects of COVID-19. 

HERE ARE THE FACTS because if this never ending pandemic has taught us anything, it is this; this world needs balance. From all the political and divisive issues this country is facing, we have people on the extreme ends of both sides and not many providing clear, balanced and unbiased insight. Mix this all up and throw in the subject of COVID-19, kids, schools and masks, and it leads to some real unhinged decision making, at all levels, which will deeply affect our kids. 

It is your duty as the awesome parent that you are (because if you take the time to research this, you care) to look at all sides when it comes to Covid and masks in schools. To make a decision, not from media fear mongering or naive nay-sayers, but from facts and logic and do what’s best for your kids… so…does your child NEED  masks in school or do they not?


It is still important to note; the long term health consequences of COVID-19 are still not known in either direction. Sensible precautions are necessary. 

Even with a low mortality rate, this virus is still 10x more deadly than the seasonal flu according to health experts. However, the undisputed fact remains that the large and vast majority of people recover with no serious complications and that, so far, it is extremely rare for the virus to pose a threat to children. 

These are basic facts. Backed by the same science, experts, and health organizations we are told to trust. It is ok to turn on our television and listen to the nightly news. However, to have a true and balanced understanding of any issue requires looking at it from all angles and sides. Especially when our kids well being and education is in the mix. 

Masked vs Unmasked 

I think we can all agree that the risk, not only to children, but to the general population, of suffering serious and fatal complications from COVID-19 are slim, and in children, rare. This is not to diminish the seriousness of the disease. This is to state that sensible precautions are needed. Sensible vs extreme precautions is a balance that has been thrown out of wack. 

What are sensible precautions AT THIS STATE INTIME with all our progress?

✔Hybrid Learning option at schools

✔️Testing and tracing

✔️Masking and distancing our compromised. 

✔Improved ventilation systems

✔Masks for teachers and staff as and if necessary. 

✔Optional masking for children

Now…given the facts. Given taking sensible precautions, is a mask mandate at schools sensible. Is having a 5 year old first entering kindergarten be completely masked sensible? 

How is a child able to strengthen their linguistic skills when their teachers and friends mouths are covered by cloth? How are they able to learn more about deep  expressions sans language involved? If they cannot rely and look for facial cues, kids will misinterpret each other and definetely miss out on important social development that we might not realize NOW. Is this worth it?

The better question is: if we are to follow the science then why aren’t we? Out of 6 MILLION CHILDREN, the mortality rate was 0.0001% . Is it COVID we are afraid of ? Or  is it not appeasing the crowd? Not fitting in with the norm? 

Now again…the subject of kids being spreaders to the family comes up. However, we have to go back to the data. We already agree taking sensible precautions is necessary, and if there is someone at home who is compromised this gets a bit more complicated. 


Let’s put something out there.

Studies and data have shown children are not significant spreaders of the COVID pandemic, even at schools

Even more so….

The CDC published a study showing that lower incidence of infection, in schools that required students use masks, was not  significant, compared with schools where mask use was optional. 

It also showed that it was the masking of STAFF and improving the ventilation systems in schools that had some positive impact, which again…are SENSIBLE PRECAUTIONS.  

For the vast majority of families, and most people, who will recover just fine from COVID, is masking your child at school worth it? Is the science even clear about it?


It is a sad state of affairs when you have an opinion such as “no masks” and are outcasted as ignorant, uneducated and not listening to “experts”. EXPERTS have contradicting evidence, research and studies. Not all experts agree on the use of masks, and it is important to look at all sides. That is the true way to be educated on the subject. 

The WHO has posted studies that go unnoticed. Such as research stating that universal masking does not provide many benefits to healthy people. They even go as far to say that children 5 and under should not wear masks, yet we see the CDC giving conflicting information that children over 2 need to be masked. 

Studies have shown, especially for children, that wearing masks contribute to built up bacteria and fungi that can be more harmful for kids than wearing a mask for their “protection”. Countries such as Sweden  have done extensive studies and do not masks their children in school. Yet we stay in line with one form of information, not veering out for the fear of getting outcasted. This is not right for our children. 

It really makes me feel helpless and sad when my 6 year old comes home from school and I look at his mask. It’s dirty, it’s wet and he’s been wearing it all day. THAT is unhealthy. 

All we are saying is take the decision of having your children use masks in schools as seriously as you take the virus, because, in our humble opinion, kids don’t need it, and it will hurt them more than help them. 

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