how to get a muscular dad bod

We are going to come right out of the gate and say it:


It is not healthy, it is not sexy, it is not “in”, and it is not something any father should be comfortable aiming for and living in because an internet survey said so. 

Now, before we get all controversial over “body image” and feelings let’s be clear:

 This article is not for the dad who is truly happy, healthy, and comfortable in their body and body image, whatever body it may be.

That should always be the MAIN GOAL: to be comfortable, happy and healthy in our own bodies. 

This is for the dads who deep down wish they had a leaner, more muscular “dad bod” but are seeking affirmation that their current, slightly overweight, dad bod is ok and accepted by the internet. 


Don’t believe the hype. 

You don’t need a shredded six pack but continue your quest to a fit lifestyle, not only for you, but for your family as well.

A fit lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle and you want to be healthy and strong for your family. 

So how do you build a muscular dad bod? How do you lose the regular dad bod?

You build a muscular dad bod just like you build a muscular physique. Create an exercise routine that fits your lifestyle, use weights with progressive overload, and follow a diet high in protein using minimally processed foods monitoring the volume you consume. 

But see…there is a problem. 

A dad has a bit more on his plate than the 22 year old instagram fitness influencer with no kids, real career, or family to support. So the real question is:

How do you build this muscular dad bod as a family man?

 And that’s what we will answer here, along with giving you an example of a beginner 4 week diet and workout for dads seeking to get rid of their dad bods! 

What is a dad bod? 

The “dad bod” craze gained traction and popularity in 2015 after a college Sophomore at Clemson University named Mackenzie Pearson wrote an article  Why Girls Love the Dad Bod.

Now while she didn’t coin the phrase, the definition she gave summed up the dad bod as a balance between drinking beers, binge eating pizza and occasionally working out.

It was shared hundreds of thousands of times, spreading this lie into the minds of dads and men who are seeking a fitter lifestyle. 

Really, the term is referring to the stereotypical middle aged man with kids and a wife who just gave up on eating healthy, working out and while, not necessarily “obese”, has a tire around his waist with very little muscle definition.

Life just got in the way. The dad bod can sometimes be described as “soft and round”. 

Like your next door neighbor watering the plants. 

Dad bod example vs muscular dad bod example

Now the goal of this article is to show you that you don’t have to be ripped, shredded or a competitive bodybuilder to get rid of the dad bod. You can still rock a “dad bod”, but why not rock a muscular dad bod? 

What’s a muscular dad bod? 

It’s a dad bod that may still have some softness to it, but also has a decent degree of muscularity, and a fairly flat stomach with minimal to no love handles. 

Here is an example of a muscular dad bod: muscular dad bod

Notice there is no real ab definition, there is is still a good amount of softness to the physique but nothing is “sloppy” and the degree of muscularity can be seen. 

Now here is an example of a conventional dad bod: 


See the difference?

How can THAT dad bod be attractive?

One just looks 10x healthier and stronger!

Is the dad bod attractive? No! 

No. Don’t be fooled. 

Being unhealthy is not attractive. 

Listen, no one is saying  it’s dad bod vs abs or nothing.

You can straddle the line here, especially as a dad. You can have a little extra love on you while still keeping your stomach in check and having a good degree of muscularity. 

But what the internet and media articles are telling you is “sexy” or attractive IS NOT. 

The overwhelming majority of evidence points to the fact that physical appearance matters.

It matters when selecting a mate as an indicator of good genes, it matters for your overall health, and it matters on how you feel about yourself.

These pseudo surveys are not science backed, they are misconstrued opinions.

Studies have shown women prefer athletic men time and time again.  

The real appeal of the dad bod is the fact that it shows you have more going on in your life than just working out, and that is awesome, but your busy lifestyle does not mean you can’t be in decent shape. 

4 Week Workout and Diet to lose the Dad bod

*KEY NOTE: You will follow the same diet and workout for 4 weeks. 

It’s a 4 week diet because if you can stick to a diet and workout routine for 4 weeks, odds are that you will continue it and will become a “habit” or a lifestyle.

A 2009 study found that it can take anywhere from 18 days to 254 days to form a habit/routine and make it part of your life.  

We have found that when it comes to dieting and working out, all it takes is 3-4 weeks of consistency before it becomes a normal, habitual part of your life (for most people). 

Hence the 4 week diet and workout. 

DISCLAIMER: This workout and diet is NOT INDIVIDUALIZED. It is an example for the average male with a “dad bod” with data taken from the CDC. It is meant to serve as an example and guide for an average, healthy male with a “dad bod” with little to no experience in following a proper diet or exercise regimen. It is simply an opinion not professional advice.  Please consult with your personal doctor before taking on any new nutritional diet or workout regimen. 

Now, the CDC list the average male as being a little over 5 foot 9 inches tall and weighing close to 200lbs with a 40 inch waist. 

At 5’9, and 200lbs with a 40 inch waist health isn’t a priority, and not being healthy isn’t “attractive”. 

If we were to encounter an UNTRAINED busy dad, with a below par diet, and minimal time on his hands with this physique, this is what we would tell him. Our opinion. 

Let’s call him “Joe the Dad Bod”.  

Again, this is simply an example, guide and opinion. If you are interested in getting an individualized workout routine and diet while being monitored along the way feel free to contact us at

4 Week Diet for the “Joe the Dad Bod”:

Following the principles laid out in The Best Fat Loss Diet for parents, we would first try and calculate their maintenance calories based on a myriad of factors (again explained in our previous post linked above). 

Maintenance calories are a calculated and educated guess. It is a starting point. 

Since Joe is an untrained individual,  he can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time, so we want to keep his calories moderate to fuel the muscle building process, but also help him lose body fat. 

His calories and protein requirements would be set at:

  • 2,300 calories
  • 180g of Protein
  • Flexible amount of fat and carbs depending on preference

Joe would:

  • Have to get a food scale to weigh his food. 
  • He would eat 4-5 meals spaced out. 

An example of a 2,300 calories meal plan can be:

Meal 1:

  • 1 Cup Egg whites, 1 whole egg
  • 1 Slice of Cheese
  • 1 Homemade Pancake or pancake mix ( can be substituted for oatmeal, toast etc). 
  • Coffee 

Meal 2: 

  • 1 Cup of Rice 
  • 8oz grilled chicken or lean chicken thighs 
  • Veggies of choice 

Meal 3 (Snack or post workout)

  • Protein Bar (snack) or Post workout shake 
  • Cup of blueberries or piece of fruit

Meal 4

  • 1 Cups of Rice or Potatoes 
  • 8oz Red meat 
  • Veggies of choice 

For the remaining amount of calories, Joe will use the IFFYM model (If It Fits Your Macros) and enjoy the rest of his calories with what he chooses to include in his diet. 

Now a lot of people would raise their eyebrows, but the goal here is adherence. 

You want flexibility in your diet. 

While the remaining calories should ideally be filled with more nutritionally densed foods, giving in to a craving here and there won’t hurt Joe as long as he stays within the calorie limit for the day. 

Joe is also a busy father, a busy dad, just trying to find a better diet for his fatherhood and professional lifestyle. 

4 Week Workout for “Joe the Dad Bod”

The first goal here is to introduce Joe’s untrained body to exercise while also being conscious that he is limited on time because he is a father and a professional at work. 

 Keeping in mind that he is untrained, we don’t want to push it too much.

The second goal is adherence. 

It’s about getting Joe into the gym, with the minimal amount of time necessary needed so that he can start seeing changes in his physique.

By only giving him a 3x a week program, it gives him very little excuse not to make it to his workouts as it’s less than half the week. 

ANYONE can find 3 days a week to fit in a half hour to an hour workout. And it’s a great place to begin. 

Joe would pick any 3 days, but the days must in the proper order to promote rest and recovery. 

The 4 week workout is meant to be done at one’s pace, NOT TO FAILURE, but enough to “feel” the muscles working and get use to working out with weights. After 4 weeks, when the body has adapted, we can start training harder and more often. 

Again, this is for the untrained male, with minimal time to fit in a workout going at a moderate pace to get the body use to training with weights, gain a bit of muscle and get rid of some of that “dad bod” look. 


*DB is short fo DUMBBELL* 

Chest and Arms


  • 10-15 minutes on the  treadmill to warmup (light jog)
  • Stretch and warmup sets for all exercises.
  • 4 Sets Incline DB’s 10-12 reps
  • 4 Sets Flat Chest Press Machine 10-12 reps
  • 4 Sets Close Grip Bench Press 10-12 reps
  • 4 Sets Tricep Rope Pushdowns superset with  4 sets Standing DB Curls 10-12 reps
  • 3 Sets EZ Bar Curls 10-12 reps
  • 15 minute post cardio

Day 2: 


  • 10-15 minutes treadmill warmup (light jog)
  • Mobility exercises for hips and legs, and warmup sets for all exercises
  • 4 Sets of Squats (or hack squats) 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of Leg Press 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of Lying Hamstring Extensions 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of Stiff Legged DB Deadlifts 12-15 reps
  • 5 Sets of Seated Calf Raises 12-15 reps
  • 15 minute post cardio

Day 3:



  •  10-15 minutes treadmill warmup (light jog)
  • Stretch and warmup sets for all exercises
  • 4 Sets of DB Shoulder Presses 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of One Arm DB Row 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of DB Lateral Raises 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of Lat Pulldowns or pullups 12-15 reps
  • 4 Sets of Abs at 25 reps each
  • 15 minute post cardio

After 4 weeks of being able to stay consistent on this sample workout and diet regimen,  Joe should see a noticeable change in his physique. 

At this point he can adapt. He can either increase his food intake or decrease it depending on his weight and how his body looks. 

 Joe should be ready for the next step and up his workout routine to 4 days. He would split the body parts up to train a little harder and longer now that his body is use to it. 


A simple diet, a consistent 3 day a week workout regimen would do wonders for  the dad bod in 4 short weeks!

The whole point is to start doing something about your physical appearance which can be a direct correlation to your physical health.

These workouts don’t have to be done with super high intensity to see results. Just getting your body moving, and feeling resistance along with a nutritionally sound diet would produce awesome results in 4 weeks. 

For more tips on how to fit in an active lifestyle as a parent check out 6 Ways to Stay Fit as a Parent. 

What do you guys think about the “dad bod”? 

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